Our Story

WHAT is BeardSmoke?!
BeardSmoke is handmade to order, Honest quality, efficient design you can rely on.
Its allowing you to relax with a beer or 7 whilst your mates look on you adoringly like Odin himself. As around you the odour of slowly roasted meat combines with the tribal smell of burning charcoal and oak, and the steady sizzle of fat dripping onto hot steel creates a subconscious primal urge for a feast forged from flame and worthy of Valhalla itself.....
Its a Bad-ass portable smoker barbecue, perfect for the camper van, small but robust, compact but mighty and efficient enough to provide over 10 hours of cooking on less than 2 chimney starters of Lumpwood charcoal....

Pork cooking on the smoker

I bought my first smoker in around 2015, I only have a small garden and wanted something for camping trips so was thrilled when i found a small cheap stacker system online.
My overwhelming excitement was soon splattered shortly after finishing my first cook as it it tasted like it had been cooked over an old fork-truck exhaust!!
My pork shoulder i'd lovingly laboured on all day was tough and chewy and i was a confused ball of stress after running backwards and forwards for almost 9 hours trying to keep the temperature in one place!
The feast of kings i had promised my friends and family was now 4 hours late and ruined, we were drunk by now so laughed and ordered Pizza but inside i knew i had failed, how did the American Pit-masters on TV make it look so easy??
I vowed to learn how it works, why it was rubbish and to create something better and easier to use!!

Top view of the BeardSmoke Mini - Un steel kamado smoker

The first step was to modify what i already had,(you can see this HERE), i turned the temperamental, thin, leaky smoker i found out was nicknamed an El Cheapo Brinkman or ECB into something i could knock a half decent cook out on!
The second was to take what i had learned and make something better...
I created a Facebook business page so i could share and document my pics to people who were interested instead of spamming my friends with yet another bombardment of food photos and made a Logo as a bit of fun, then set about "The journey of a thousand prototypes!

( Thank you to everyone who sacrificed the blood from their ears along this journey, it will never be forgotten, or i should imagine over if the ideas I still have are anything to go by!! )
We now have a small but growing Facebook Group, An Instagram page and THESE!!

The BeardSmoke Mini - Un Original and Deluxe camping smokers

For now I'm still building from a small garage workshop, alongside a full time job, building through the night, learning and developing as i go whilst training my little apprentice up when i can!

Me training up a BeardSmoke apprentice

Any down-time in building is spent learning how to build this website and create educational content for the group, to provide as much guidance and value as we can, Who knows where we'll end up?!!....
If you're interested in our journey please follow us on Social and keep an eye out for new products and ideas!
Thank You for your interest.